Ten Reasons to Love the HSA Medical Plan

The Health Savings Account (HSA) medical plan is the plan of choice for most BMC employees. They have done the math—and saw that even with the HSA plan's higher deductible, they spend less over the course of a year thanks to lower payroll deductions and cash from BMC.

The HSA offers the same, comprehensive medical coverage and network of doctors, hospitals and providers as the PPO, and provides the same protection against high health care costs. Read More...

Need Care?
Teladoc Comes To You Anytime, Anywhere

Did you know about 70% of non-emergency services performed in a doctor's office, urgent care center or emergency room can be handled over the phone or through online video by a Teladoc doctor? Teladoc is part of your medical coverage (HSA and PPO medical plans) and you and your dependents can use it for a $40 fee per transaction.

Q: Does Teladoc replace using my doctor or an urgent care facility?

A: No. Teladoc is not meant to replace your doctor or urgent care, but can be used for non-emergency medical issues. Teladoc can be a more convenient alternative to urgent care and emergency room visits, saving you time and money, and can be accessed anytime. Teladoc accepts all major credit cards, including the Your Spending Account debit card.

To take full advantage of this service, set up your account and complete your medical history today. Then, when you need care right away, a Teladoc doctor is only a call or click away.

  1. Go to Teladoc.com.
  2. Click "Create an account".
  3. Follow the online instructions to provide your medical history.
  4. Request a consultation anytime you need non-emergency medical care.

Q: Can you get prescriptions from Teladoc, such as antibiotics for a sinus infection?

A: Teladoc doctors are board-certified and are available for non-emergency medical issues such as sinus problems, respiratory infections, allergies, urinary tract infections, cold and flu-like symptoms, and many other non-emergency illnesses. Certain prescriptions can also be written and called into a local pharmacy by a Teladoc doctor.

Free Apps Support Parents During
and After Pregnancy

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas (BCBSTX) provides free parenting apps* you can access quickly and conveniently on your smartphone. The apps support parents during and after pregnancy with easy–to–use tools and resources.

  • Duty Calls enables new dads to stay more engaged with their partner throughout pregnancy and help make the healthiest decisions.
  • Tot Tracker helps new (and veteran) parents stay on top of their child's milestones, upcoming vaccinations and growth measurements (ages 0 to 3). Read More…

* For iPhone® only. Can be viewed on iPad® and iPhone® Touch

September EAP Webinar:
When Someone You Love Has an Addiction

It can be challenging to help a loved one struggling with alcoholism, drug problems, an eating disorder or other destructive behavior. Their addiction can have emotional, psychological, financial, and environmental effects on the people who care about them most. Your Magellan EAP invites you to a complimentary webinar, "When Someone You Love Has an Addiction," on Wednesday, September 10, from 1 to 2 p.m., Central. Space is limited, so be sure to register now.

Play for Your Future:
Retirement Week Begins August 25

The BMC Retirement Week kicks off on Monday, August 25 with opportunities to play board games and win prizes while you learn about personal finance. Learn how to boost your savings, develop a retirement income plan, and more.

Fidelity will host on-site workshops in Houston, Austin and San Jose on Monday, August 25. A second on-site workshop will be held in Houston on Tuesday, August 26. Try out our special BMC Retirement Week board games that test your knowledge and your retirement savings savvy. If you haven't registered for a workshop yet, don't miss out. Register now for the on-site workshops and webinars here.

BMC 401(k) Makes Top 25 List

When it comes to 401(k) plans, BMC has one of the best, according to a new ranking just released by BrightScope, a leading provider of independent financial information and investment research.

BrightScope ranked the BMC 401(k) plan 25th among the Top 25 Houston 401(k) plans containing more than $100 million in assets. The rating is based on an analysis of more than 200 data points, including company match, investment options, and total plan cost.

Read the details here.

Five Habits of 401(k) Millionaires

According to Fidelity Investments, these steps can help you reach a $1 million balance in your 401(k).

  1. Start saving early.
  2. Contribute a minimum of 10% to 15%.
  3. Meet your BMC match.
  4. Consider mutual funds that invest in stocks.
  5. Don't cash out when changing jobs.

Read More…

Perk Alert:
Help Planning Your Financial Future

If you're making plans for your financial future, Fidelity Investments can help. Even if you don't contribute to the company 401(k) Plan, your employment with BMC gives you and your spouse access to Fidelity Wealth Planning Services. Get answers to your financial questions and one-on-one support as you build a plan for your financial future. Call Fidelity at 800-603-4015 or visit a branch nearest you for a 15-minute consultation to get started.


The content on this site includes links to tools and information that are not the property of BMC Software, and BMC Software is not responsible for their accuracy, completeness or continued availability. Some of the material contained in this site is based on official plan documents. It is not, nor is it intended to be, the legal plan document or a contract between the company and any employee or contractor. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this material. In the unlikely event that there is a discrepancy between the site and the official plan documents, the official plan documents will control. BMC Software reserves the right to amend or terminate the plan(s) or program(s) at any time. If you believe the benefits do not describe those available to you, contact the Benefits Center at 877-BMC-4849.